(Continued from page 28)
• • 7. HARDLY A MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR • Lost Beatles fans looking for the famous Abbey Road often find themselves at a drab train station with the same name. • • 8. HEALTH CARE BENEFITS, A LA CARTE • More employees face puzzling choices as employers move away from one-size-fits-all insurance. • • 9. JESSE & JOY ALMOST SWEEP LATIN GRAMMYS • The Mexican brother-sister duo and their pop hit 'Corre!' win four awards, but lose best album to Colombian rockero Juanes. • • 10. TIME TO STOCK UP ON TWINKIES • Hostess, the maker of Twinkies, Ding Dongs and Wonder Bread, is going out of business. •
AP News in Brief Obama on tricky path in fiscal cliff negotiations with congressional leaders
• WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama is kicking off budget dealings with congressional leaders with new leverage from last week's big win, but he confronts a decidedly tricky path to avoiding a market-rattling "fiscal cliff" that could imperil a still-fragile economy. • Obama's GOP rivals promise greater flexibility on new tax revenues, but Democrats face pressure from liberal interest groups urging the president to take a hard line and avoid cutting big benefit programs like Medicare and food stamps. It's up to Obama to navigate the course toward an agreement. • At issue is a one-two punch of expiring Bush-era tax reductions and across-the-board spending cuts set to hit in January as punishment for the failure of a gridlocked Congress to reach a deficit-cutting deal last year. Economists and business leaders warn the combination could send the economy back into recession, and all sides in Washington say they want to avoid going over the cliff. • Attending the meeting with Obama are the top four leaders of Congress: House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Senate Ma (Continued on page 30)