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A plane flying through it at low altitude can quickly lose the lift that keeps it aloft. A microburst is typically less than 2.5 miles in diameter and lasts for less than five minutes, the report says. Four of the six crew members from a North Carolina Air National Guard unit died in the crash. Two crewmen were injured. • "If you add all of the pieces up, they really should not have attempted the second drop," said U.S. Air Force Brig. Gen. Randall Guthrie, who headed the crash investigation. "There was enough indications of stuff that was going on as far as the performance of the airplane, in the operations they were in, that they should have avoided the drop." • The report says two other plane crews on the scene failed to communicate critical information and the C-130's crew also received conflicting information on how far to stay from an approaching thunderstorm. • One of the two small, twin-engine planes arriving near the spot the C-130 was to drop flame retardant described flying through violent air churned by a thunderstorm 10 miles away, Guthrie said. • Despite that, the tanker made an initial pass into the target zone and was battered by wind so dangerous the pilot lost airspeed and struggled to stay airborne, Gutherie said. The C-130 dropped some of its retardant, then circled back around for a second attempt. • A lead plane guiding the tanker into the drop zone said on the radio it was losing altitude and had to get out of the area, but that pilot didn't describe it as another potentially deadly microburst, Guthrie said. The thunderstorm was now 5 miles away, he said. • The C-130 started to feel the danger, too. • "They pushed the engines up to maximum power and pulled the nose up in an attempt to climb away from the ground," Guthrie said. • The big plane's pilot fought the wind for 13 seconds before the lead plane recommended the tanker dump its retardant to lighten its weight. It was too late. The tanker crashed about four seconds later into a lightly forested plateau, then slid downhill about 400 feet into a tree-lined ravine that broke apart the plane's body. The victims died on impact, Guthrie said. • The two surviving load specialists in the back of the plane evidently crawled out through a hole shredded by one of the propellers dislodged by the impact, though they didn't remember their escape, Guthrie said. • Besides the crew of accompanying planes failing to tell the C-130 pilot details of the violent weather that might have persuaded him to scrub the second pass, Guthrie said the tanker's crew got conflicting directions on the minimum safe distance (Continued on page 21)