• A late night television host decided that he would leave his comfortable studio setting, walk out into the streets of New York and ask people some questions about the Bible. • "Can you recite any one of the Ten Commandments?" he asked the first person he met. After a few moments' thought the young lady replied with a smile, "Freedom of speech?" • Turning to another person who was standing by he asked, "Would you please complete this verse from the Bible: 'Let him who is without sin....'" Thinking for a moment or two, the young man responded by saying, "Have a good time!" • Then he turned to another young man who was listening and watching with great intensity. Walking to where he was standing he asked, "What is the name of the person in the Bible who was swallowed by a whale?" With no hesitation the young man responded with authority, "Pinocchio!" • No doubt the humor of these stories will bring a smile to many faces. But the tragic truth is that each of them represents the fact that not many people have any knowledge of what the Bible is all about. • Although more Bibles are purchased each year, fewer individuals seem to be reading them. Not only has the Bible become insignificant to many, but its message seems to be irrelevant and unimportant to most. • Prayer: Lord, we who are Your disciples are ultimately accountable to You for people hearing Your message. Trouble our heart until we become faithful witnesses. In Jesus' Name, Amen. • Scripture for Today: 2 Timothy 2:15 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. •