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• • Gregory - Memorial Sports Park playground project, $27,000 • • Groton - park equipment replacement project, $12,000 • • Lennox - pool and bathhouse improvements, $46,000 • • Pierre - Fourth Street Park playground and shelter, $24,000 • • Sturgis - Starline Park, $28,000 • "I commend project sponsors for their strong commitment to improve their communities and make South Dakota a better place to live, work and play," Gov. Daugaard said. "Their efforts will benefit many future generations of South Dakotans." • Land and Water Conservation Funds come from the National Park Service and are administered in South Dakota by the state Department of Game, Fish and Parks. • For more information on the LWCF program, contact grants coordinator Randy Kittle by calling 605-773-5490 or e-mail him at: randy.kittle@state.sd.us . • -GFP-
Recreational Trails Receive Funding • PIERRE - Gov. Dennis Daugaard has awarded about $1.5 million in Recreational Trails Program funding to several projects. • The Governor selected the projects based on input from a five-citizen Recreational Trails Program Advisory Council. • The federal assistance program provides up to 80 percent reimbursement for trail-related development and maintenance projects.
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