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• "People need to be aware of just how desperate the situation is inside Syria for the people there, how unbearable it is, and how they are suffering and falling into ever deeper despair and humanitarian need," Ging said. "It's just getting a lot worse very rapidly for the ordinary people." • At the moment, he said, the U.N. and other aid organizations are only able to reach 1.5 million of the 2.5 million people in need of assistance inside Syria -- and one of the reasons is funding. • ___
Group says hunt for warlord Kony hopeless without more troops, increased American involvement
• KAMPALA, Uganda (AP) -- An advocacy group says the hunt for the African warlord Joseph Kony is hopeless without more troops and urges American forces to "play a more operational role" on the ground. • The U.S.-based Enough Project said in a report released Friday that the fight against the Lord's Resistance Army is not going well partly because Ugandan soldiers in central Africa face multiple logistical and intelligence challenges that limit their ability to locate the rebels. • President Barack Obama roughly a year ago sent 100 U.S. Special Forces troops to help regional governments eliminate Kony, an accused war criminal, and other LRA commanders, but they only play an advisory role. About 2,500 African Union troops led by Uganda are involved in the manhunt. •
Today in History The Associated Press
• Today is Friday, Nov. 9, the 314th day of 2012. There are 52 days left in the year. • • Today's Highlight in History: • On Nov. 9, 1938, Nazis looted and burned synagogues as well as Jewish-owned stores and houses in Germany and Austria in a pogrom that became known as "Kristallnacht." • • On this date: • In 1620, the passengers and crew of the Mayflower sighted Cape Cod. • In 1872, fire destroyed nearly 800 buildings in Boston. • In 1918, it was announced that Germany's Kaiser Wilhelm II would abdicate. He (Continued on page 39)