Groton American Legion Auxiliary Presents Dictionaries
• In honor of our American Veterans of War and Peace, the Legion Aux. presents dictionaries to the Groton third graders every year. Two dictionaries were left to be given to home schooled students. LaVonne Helmer presented the dictionaries to the students on Oct. 5. They told her about the veterans and men and women who are now serving to whom they are related. Mrs. Helmer asked the students to thank these veterans for their service. • The Groton American Legion Aux. received letters of thank you from all the students saying how much they appreciate the dictionaries.
Leonhardt, Franken attend national FFA Convention
• INDIANAPOLIS- Cheyenne Leonhardt of the Groton FFA Chapter in South Dakota was one of 46 participants in the National FFA Extemporaneous Public Speaking Career Development Event (CDE). The event was held in conjunction with the 85th National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Ind. The participant, led by advisor Adam Franken, was awarded a Bronze emblem.
• The top four individuals received cash awards to recognize their success in the event. The cash awards and the extemporaneous public speaking event are sponsored by the American Farm Bureau Federation as a special project of the National FFA Foundation. • The National FFA Extemporaneous Public Speaking CDE is designed to recognize outstanding FFA members for their ability to prepare and present a factual speech on a specific agricultural issue in a well thought out and logical manner. Members select one topic from a choice of categories, have thirty minutes to prepare a four to ten minute speech, and respond to five minutes of questions following delivery. • This event, held at the Westin Hotel in Indianapolis, Ind., is one of many educational activities at the National FFA Convention & Expo in which FFA members practice the lessons learned in agricultural education classes.