Foster Grandparents Needed
• "Grandma is my extra pair of hands, eyes, ears, and heart." "Grandma is a true gem!" "Grandma brings out the best in all of the students she works with." These are just a few of the comments from school and daycare staff being served by the Volunteers of America, Dakotas Foster Grandparent Program. • Foster Grandparent Program is a volunteer program that bridges the generations by supporting people 55 years and older to volunteer their time to make a difference in the lives of children in their community. Volunteers are placed at schools, Head Start centers, daycare centers and other youth facilities where they act as role models, mentors and friends. As a volunteer you help develop the skills, confidence and strengths to help a child succeed in life. • Foster Grandparent volunteers receive an hourly stipend, transportation assistance, free daily meal, paid time off and holidays and other benefits. These benefits are not taxable and don't affect your eligibility for any governmental assistance. • Volunteers report feelings of increased self worth, social contacts, and being needed. They express a strong desire to get up each morning and get moving, of being energized and having a real purpose in life. The program often fills a void in one's life and eases the despair of loneliness. • Foster Grandparent Program is sponsored by Volunteers of America, Dakotas, part of the Corporation for National and Community Service, and is a United Way agency. Our office is based out of Aberdeen and covers north central South Dakota (Continued on page 4)