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their children never think about, or even know about. These are acts that teens and young adults may never reflect upon until they, too, are the parents of an ungrateful child. • The thing about your parent that you think you can't tolerate is small potatoes when compared to what he or she has done for you. Even now, in the midst of your intolerance, they would, without question, move heaven and earth for you, if you needed them. They are your staunchest ally in this capricious world. • The smart-mouthed twit who had the nerve to bad-mouth the only member of the human race who was willing to feed and clothe his sorry behind made me so angry! What would have happened to that boy if his father didn't feel like trading his hard-earned money for the things that would keep his impudent child alive? • I thought the brainless wretch should be picked up and dropped on his thick head in a snow bank in Siberia. He might finally recognize his amazing good fortune in having been born to an ordinary dad who loves him. • I thought harshly of him, of course, because he isn't my kid. • If he were my kid, I wouldn't be angry. I would be thoroughly, crushingly… heartbroken. But he would never know… • Laura Snyder is a nationally syndicated columnist, author & speaker. You can reach Laura at lsnyder@lauraonlife.com Or visit her website www.lauraonlife.com for more info.