• 8. 'I DO?' OPPOSITION DOGS FRENCH GAY MARRIAGE PLANS • As President Hollande is set to unveil his 'marriage for everyone' draft law, support is wavering in this Catholic country. • • 9. WHY APPLE PAID 1.9 PERCENT TAX ON FOREIGN EARNINGS • The tech giant shifted profits to countries with low rates to minimize its bill in the latest fiscal year, a technique also used by other multinational corporations. • • 10. SANDY'S LATEST CASUALTY? NEW YORK BREWERIES • Surges of saltwater, power outages and distribution problems deal a blow to the state's thriving beer industry. •
AP News in Brief On the final lap of an exhausting race, Romney, Obama narrow the field to key states
• MADISON, Wis. (AP) -- President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney storm into the final day of their long presidential contest, mounting one last effort to protect their flanks while engaging in the toughest battleground of all -- Ohio. • The two campaigns were ready to leave matters in the hands of voters and their schedules left little doubt where the election would be won or lost. Obama was holding rallies in Wisconsin and Iowa on Monday. Romney was cutting a broader swath, (Continued on page 28)