• A patient, walking with a nurse to prepare for surgery, recognized her doctor sitting alone in a small room reading his Bible. Prior to the operation he went to visit her and asked if she had any unanswered questions for him to answer. • After a moment's thought she said that she did. "Does reading the Bible help you before or after you operate on a patient?" she wondered. • "Oh, no," came his quick reply. "During," he answered with a smile. • Paul wrote to Timothy about the importance of studying God's Word. He informed his young friend that when we study the Bible, "It is God's way of preparing us in every way, fully equipped for every good thing God wants us to do." • God gave us the His Word to learn how to "live life and face death." As we read and study its message it becomes the standard for everything He wants us to do, the thoughts He would have us to think and our source of strength for life's demands. • His Word gives us His guidance. It gives us insight on how we are to treat others. It gives us peace when we are overwhelmed with unexpected tragedies. It gives us wisdom when choices are difficult and our options limited. It gives us the assurance of His peace and presence when we feel alone and abandoned. Most importantly, however, it gives us His plan for salvation. • Prayer: We thank You, Father, for Your Word: a lamp for our feet and light for our pathway. May we grow to love it, learn from it, lean on it and live it confidently. In Jesus' Name, Amen. • Scripture for Today: 2 Timothy 3:17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. • •