• Actor Jim Carrey had no easy rise to fame. In fact, it was quite a struggle. He was the youngest of four children and there were times when the family struggled together to make ends meet. They lived in a camper, were drowning in debt, but they never gave up. • Jim had his own problems. Learning did not come easy. In fact, it was necessary for him to repeat the tenth grade three times. But he refused to focus on his problems. Instead of thinking about trying times and difficult days he thought of "triumphs." With his arms extended as far as they could reach, he would imagine that he was holding a funnel. Only "good things" were allowed to enter his funnel and eventually into his life. • A psalmist once addressed "good things." In fact, he wrote, "No good thing will the Lord withhold from those who do what is right." Christians do not need an imaginary funnel. Our God has promised that "He will not withhold good things from us." • But if we want the "good things" that He has to give us, we must meet His one requirement: we must "do what is right." • Someone once asked, "What do you do about the things in the Bible that you do not understand?" That is not my biggest problem. My biggest problem is this: What am I doing about the things God asks me to do that are clear, easily understood and within my capabilities to do. Knowing is one thing, doing another. • Prayer: Lord, we know that You expect us to do what is right. And we also know that Your Word gives clear directions on what is right. Help us to live as we should. In Jesus' Name, Amen. • Scripture for Today: Psalm 84:11 For the Lord God is a sun and shield; The Lord will give grace and glory; No good thing will He withhold From those who walk uprightly. •