Open House Baby Shower for Chelsey Stanley-Kline, Saturday, Nov. 3, 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., Olive Grove Golf Course. They are registered at Target and Herbergers.
St. Johns Lutheran Church Youth Group is raising money with Fun Pasta Fundraising. We are excited to sell Fun Pasta because there is a large selection of products, fun shapes for everyone, and "online sales" earn even more profit for our group! Check out their fun product line following the link below and place your order there or order directly from one of our youth group members. They even offer fun pasta representing some of your favorite college teams. We earn 40% on each bag purchased for our trip to the national youth gathering this summer in San Antonio, Texas. • Click on Link to open up a new window for ordering • Our fundraiser will end on 11/04/2012. So spread the word - and thank you so much for supporting our effort! (1020.1102)
• For Sale: 2005 Black Chevy Tahoe, Police Package, 4 Door, Good Condition, 129,000 miles, 4x4, 5.3 L, V8, E85, spotlight, towing package. Minimum bid of $9,000. Call 397-8422 for inspection. Sealed bids accepted until 11/5/12 at Groton City Hall, PO Box 587, 209 N Main St, Groton, SD 57445.
Groton Area School is in need of substitute route and activity bus drivers for the 2012-2013 school year. If interested, contact Loren Bahr, transportation director, at 397-8117. (EOE)
Groton United Methodist Church will be having its Men's Fall Roast Beef Dinner on Sunday, Nov. 11, serving 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Adults $8; Children 5-12, $5; Children 4 and under are free.