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• In the October survey, the supply managers were asked to gauge the likelihood of a 2013 recession. • The survey report said that 23.4 percent who responded said they thought a recession was likely or very likely next year. But 22.7 percent said they thought a 2013 recession was unlikely. The remainder viewed the chances of a recession at 50-50. • On the jobs front, the region index rose to a weak 47.7 from September's 46.1. The index was 49.5 in August. • The manufacturing sector has been shedding jobs over the past several months, Goss said, and U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data for September indicate that the region lost jobs in other areas as well in September. • When the federal data for October are released later in November, Goss said, he expects the numbers will show the region is still losing jobs but at a slow pace. • "Job gains in North Dakota and Oklahoma will be more than offset by declines in the rest of the region," Goss said. •
AG: SD Municipal League did not break the law
• PIERRE, S.D. (AP) -- Attorney General Marty Jackley says the South Dakota Municipal League did not break the law when it endorsed passage of a statewide ballot measure in its monthly magazine. • State Rep. Peggy Gibson earlier asked state officials to investigate whether the organization that represents cities and towns violated the law by using taxpayer money to endorse a measure that would set up incentive grants for large industrial projects. • Gibson cited a state law that prohibits use of public funds to influence the outcome of an election, including the passage or defeat of a ballot measure. • Jackley says in his opinion Thursday that the law is superseded by ones that authorize the Municipal League to advocate on measures beneficial to municipalities. •
SD drought unchanged; conditions ease in ND
• SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) -- The drought in South Dakota is unchanged over the week but conditions have eased in North Dakota for a second week. • The latest U.S. Drought Monitor map shows that about 57 percent of South Dakota remains in the two worst categories of drought, extreme and exceptional. All of the state is in some form of drought. • About 90 percent of North Dakota is in some category of drought, down from 95 (Continued on page 36)