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10 Things to Know for Today • The Associated Press
• Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and stories that will be talked about on Wednesday: • 1. SAFETY TOPS LIST OF CONCERNS IN DARKENED NEW YORK • Used to a life powered by the 24-hour deli, New Yorkers are grappling with security in streets and apartments without power. • • 2. HOW CON ED'S PLANNING BIG WAS NOT BIG ENOUGH • New York's electricity provider fell victim to a plethora of circumstances that led to massive power loss in Sandy's wake. • • 3. OBAMA AND ROMNEY TREAD CAREFULLY IN STORM'S WAKE • The President visits victims of Sandy in N.J. while his challenger plans three full-blown campaign events. • • 4. WHO THE MOST GENEROUS DONORS ARE • The AP examined over 3.9 million campaign contributions to determine who gave the most money this season. • • 5. CHINESE GOVERNMENT THINK TANK URGES END TO ONE-CHILD POLICY • In a daring move, a research center calls on Beijing to scrap birth limits by 2020. • • 6. SOUTH DAKOTA EXECUTES SECOND CONVICT IN A MONTH • A murderer and rapist gets lethal injection as the mother of his 9-year-old victim watches. • • 7. WHY THE FORCE IS WITH DISNEY • The entertainment conglomerate is buying Lucasfilm Ltd., creators of "Star Wars," and it says that it'll keep the sci-fi movie franchise alive. • • 8. WIND POWER PITS INDIANS AGAINST MULTINATIONALS IN MEXICO • Indigenous residents of one of the windiest spots in the world are fighting wind farms which are expanding fast in their areas.
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