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produces a grizzly scene with its long proboscis and its serrated edge. • Divorced, male entomologists are quick to point out that often only the female insects are blood suckers (they require protein to mature their eggs). • The reason that blood specialization is so rare in animals is that blood just isn't very nutritious on its own. Contrast the number of blood feeders with the large number of animals that eat or even specialize on poop, and you get an idea of just how bad blood is. Blood is largely water, with a little protein and some other nutrients. It is particularly low in carbohydrates, and thus it shouldn't surprise homeowners when
monster horse fly (> 1 inch long)
they are approached by vampires asking for candy. • When it comes to mouthparts, Dracula is a Philistine. The "pierce and lap" strategy practiced by vampires is observed only rarely in insects, largely the chewing lice and horse, stable, and black flies. These flies scrape the skin to cause a pool of (Continued on page 9)