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• His role as a military pilot who did bombing runs over Europe during World War II was a muted part of McGovern's biography. He returned with medals for valor, but was reluctant to mention that in a campaign setting, especially in the presidential race where he urged an immediate end to U.S. involvement in Vietnam. • He lost the 1972 election to Richard Nixon, who won all but one state. South Dakota even went Nixon's way. Soon after, Nixon resigned amid the Watergate scandal. • McGovern was also known for his advocacy for world nutrition, a cause he continued long after leaving public office. In 2008, he was awarded the World Food Prize along with former Republican Sen. Bob Dole, who had also faced defeat in a presidential race. • A testament to McGovern's crusade against hunger was in the lobby at the funeral: a basket brimming with dried food goods that will go to a needy family. • A program distributed at the memorial service had an image of a smiling McGovern in his twilight and bore a comment Pope John XXII made to McGovern when he was an emissary to Rome for John F. Kennedy's administration. It read: "When you meet your Maker and he asks, 'Have you fed the hungry, given drink to the thirsty, and cared for the lonely?' you can answer, 'Yes.'" •
The Associated Press SD Scores
• VOLLEYBALL • Faith def. Takini, 28-10, 25-9, 25-6 • Lemmon def. Cheyenne-Eagle Butte, 25-11, 23-25, 18-25, 26-24, 15-11 • McIntosh def. Tiospaye Topa, 25-19, 26-24, 25-13 •
Man arrested after standoff in Sioux Falls
• SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) -- Police in Sioux Falls say they arrested a 38-year-old man after he threw a Molotov cocktail at a SWAT rescue vehicle during an hours-long standoff at his house. • The device did not ignite. • Officers responded to the home around 12:50 a.m. Friday after receiving a call about a possible suicidal person. • Police say that after the cocktail was thrown, SWAT team members shot in pepper spray and Johnny Jay Thomas came out around 9:15 a.m. • Police say Thomas during the standoff also pointed a rifle at SWAT officers sev (Continued on page 24)