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were them. Oh, the surprise in those peoples' faces when they realized we weren't who they thought we were. Halloween can be a lot of fun for young and old alike. I love it and try to focus on the festive, fun side rather than the dark, scary side as I feel it's yet another time to get out and share some laughter and whimsy in a world where things can get just a little too serious from time to time. •The United Methodist Church held yet another successful Harvest and Hunters Breakfast on Saturday October 20th. I'm sure everyone in attendance will be looking forward to yet another terrific feast again next year! •Ann Bailey enjoyed an afternoon visit with her Great Grandson, Braydon Casey of Hecla on Saturday October 20th. Later Braydon's dad Brandon Casey and Lee Loebs arrived to visit as well. • •Patti Bailey spend a few days in Claremont visiting with her mom, Yvonne Gibbs. They attended a Jr High football game in Langford and the marching band competition in Waubay. They were joined by Suzie Ogren, Lisa Waletich and Heidi Steffensen. They had lunch with Iver and Monica Gibbs on Saturday and enjoyed supper with Don and Suzie Ogren on Saturday evening. They were also able to fit in some shopping during Patti's stay. •Yvonne Gibbs and Lisa Waletich went to the Junior High Honors Band (Continued on page 7)