Reints Family Thank You
On behalf of the Hudson Reints Family, we would like to thank everyone for their love, support, prayers, and donations for Hudson. Thank you to everyone that organized and attended the Softball benefit in Pierpont. Thank you to those who donated food, items to raffle and for all those folks who sold the gun raffle tickets. Also, thank you for the "Hamburger and Hot Dogs for Hudson" dinner and the "Helping Hands for Hudson", sponsored by Langford School. To St. Elizabeth Ann Seton church of Groton for doing a bake sale, the global offering from the Bethlehem Lutheran Church of Aberdeen, my Wells Fargo family for the fundraisers and donations. Finally to everyone that have sent cards, items and donations to our house for Hudson. We feel truly blessed to live in a community with wonderful friends and family. Hudson's brain surgery was scheduled for October and was postponed to November due to him getting sick. Thanks again for everyone's thoughtfulness and prayers for our family.
Love, Hudson Reints Family