queen in ancient mythology. Cassiopeia is easy to identify and so it is one of the most famous constellations in the sky. You'll see it in the northeast this evening, and higher up in the evening sky in late autumn and winter. • Perseus the Hero follows Cassiopeia the Queen across the night sky. As night passes, you'll see them both ascending in the northeast - then arcing high in the north - then descending in the northwest - with Perseus following Cassiopeia all the while. Perseus is fainter than Cassiopeia and its stars are not so easy to identify. But if you have a dark sky - like in the wee hours before dawn tomorrow - you'll spot its graceful shape. The evening sky will be free of the moon, starting the second week of November 2012. • Algol: The Demon Star • Mirfak: Perseus' brightest star • Both Perseus and Cassiopeia are considered to be "circumpolar" from northerly latitudes. In other words, as seen from northern parts of the U.S. and Canada, they never set below the horizon, but instead circle endlessly around Polaris, the North Star. Look for Cassiopeia and Perseus in the northern evening sky for the next several months. Schedar: Brightest star in Cassiopeia