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home.'" • That last line became the standard closing of his campaign speech. But he didn't repeat the details of the mission that won him the Distinguished Flying Cross for safely landing his crippled B-24. Perhaps he should have said more about his service, he said later, "but I always felt kind of foolish talking about my war record -- what a hero I was." • That he did not was typical George McGovern. •
SD voter registration deadline is Monday
• PIERRE, S.D. (AP) -- Secretary of State Jason Gant says Monday is the registration deadline for South Dakotans who want to vote in the Nov. 6 election. • Gant says people can register to vote at county auditors' offices, driver licensing stations, city finance offices, military recruitment centers and some state offices that offer public assistance programs. • South Dakotans also can check their registration status online at the secretary of state's website. • South Dakota has had a net gain of more than 17,000 registered voters this year. • According the secretary of state's website, more than 524,000 South Dakotans were registered to vote as of Friday. • More than 241,000 were registered as Republicans, more than 188,000 were registered as Democrats, and more than 92,000 were registered as independents. The rest were aligned with minor parties. •
SDSU begins weeklong Hobo Day celebration
• BROOKINGS, S.D. (AP) -- South Dakota State University begins the 100th annual weeklong celebration of Hobo Day starting on Sunday. • Last year's event would have been the 100th consecutive celebration if it hadn't been for 1942's festivities being canceled for World War II relief efforts. • This year's homecoming events kick off Sunday with campus organizations painting the windows of Brookings businesses. The festivities culminate next Saturday with SDSU taking on Youngstown State at Coughlin-Alumni Stadium. •
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