• There must have been over one hundred tee-shirts hanging on the rack. All of them had a message. Some were much more appropriate than others. But one stood out above the others: ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING. • And it is. Attitudes do not just happen. We choose them, live by them and others know much about us, because of them. • The Apostle Paul gave us the directions to shape a helpful, wholesome attitude. Writing to the Church at Philippi, he told the Christians, "Your attitude should be the same that Christ Jesus had." • The attitude of Jesus was always obvious - as is ours. But the content of His attitude, or what we see in His behavior, may be different than ours. • His attitude always reflected humility - His complete willingness to give up His ways for the ways of His Father. He gave up His rights to everything because He chose to be completely obedient to God. • His attitude also was seen in serving others. Out of His love for His Father, whenever He saw someone who needed help, He helped them willingly. • When we set aside our rights to ourselves and serve God in humility we will have the right attitude. • Prayer: May we, Heavenly Father, seek an attitude of humility and service because we love You. Amen. • Scripture: Philippians 2:6 who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God... •