(Continued from page 11)
(Courtney Kurtz 138 out of 138 with 38 assists). Hamlin was 171 out of 177 for setting the ball with 33 assists, (Sam Drake 60 out of 63 and 14 assists, Koisti 80 out of 83 and 18 assists. • The Lady Tiger defense also gave a good showing, racking up 71 digs for the night. Savanna Larson had 30 saves and Sippel had 10. Hamlin had 63 digs for the night (Koisti 15 and Noem 13). • Blocking at the net was done well by both teams as Groton had four solo blocks and two team blocks (Sippel two solo and one team, Schuster one solo and one team). Hamlin had four solo blocks and three team blocks (Hope Juntunen 3 solo and one team, Noem one solo and one team). • "We did more blocking tonight then we've done the last couple of game combined," Helvig said. • The Lady Tigers are now 8-13 on the season (Continued on page 13)