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fight back, we were able to make a comeback and win the next two games." • Groton's offense mixed up their hitting to good effect, with 106 out of 138 for 43 kills. Erica Schuster led the attack with 18 kills. She was 29 out of 40 on hitting. Camille Sippel (32 out of 41) had 11 kills and Kyle Hawkins (24 out of 31) had 10. Hamlin was 123 out of 162 on the attacks for 34 kills (Hanna Roe 22 out of 24 for 4 kills). • The Tigers were a little off on their serving, with only 94 out of 116 serves. They were able to serve for 15 aces, (Hawkins 20 out of 22 for 5 aces, Courtney Kurtz 21 out of 23 for 2, Amanda Worlie 12 out of 15 for 3 aces). The Chargers was 86 out of 95 for 6 aces on their serves (Molly Koisti 25 out of 26 for 2 aces, Kennedy Noem 16 out of 17 for 1 ace). • The Lady Tigers were perfect on setting the ball with 149 sets out of 149 with 38 assists, (Continued on page 12)