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was discussed. There were two prizes awarded and the lucky winners were Doris Spencer and Patsy Cutler • Recently Claremont suffered the loss of two wonderful residents due to relocation. Not only did they pack their bags but they took their house with them as well. Verl and Mary Cutler are now living in Aberdeen. Their new address is 824 Cutler Rd No, Aberdeen SD 57401. They were such assets to our community and they are missed a great deal. They still drop in for visits which makes their absence a bit more bearable. • I wish them all the best as they adjust to the new scenery outside their windows! • Dan and Bonnie Olson welcomed a beautiful new addition to their family. Their granddaughter, Harper Kay arrived September 26, 2012. She weighed in at 7lbs 7oz and was 21 ½ inches long. Her parents are Brian and Danell (Olson) Caron of Apple Valley MN. Little Harper has had visits from Grandpa and Grandma Olson as well from Brock and Lacy Olson, Claremont and Jon and Jenn Powers from Jamestown ND. Grandma Bonnie was able to schedule a second visit this past weekend so near as I can tell little Harper is a very welcome addition to the Olson family! Congratulations! • Adah Chapter No. 52 met on Tuesday night October 9th for their regular meeting. There were 14 members present. They will be furnishing a basket for the silent auction at Grand Chapter. The proceeds will go to the Eastern Star Home. Several members were planning to go to Grand Chapter in Huron on the 10th, 11th, and 12th of October. Gladys Pahl was presented as a Grand Representative of Ontario, Canada in SD. Virginia Pulfrey was presented with a certificate for 65 years in Eastern Star. Shirley Evenson received a certificate for 60 years in Eastern Star. The corn collection was to be given to a youth group in the area. It went to the Friendly Fellows and Daisies 4-H club. Election of officers was held with the following elected. Worthy Matron - Mara Hart, Worthy Patron - Ron Jarrett, Associate Matron - Virginia Pulfrey, Associate Patron - Jim Bush, Secretary - Sharon Tisher, Treasurer - Vollie Ann Williams, Conductress - Judy Albrecht, and Associate Conductress - Tammy Jo Kessler. Installation will be in November. Lunch was served by Vollie Ann Williams, Bobbie Kuske, and Virginia Pulfrey. • Virginia Pulfrey entertained her bridge club on Friday afternoon, October 12th. Non member guests were Delores Henehan of Britton and Shirley Larson of Groton. Prize winners were Joan Cutler - High, Shirley Larson - 2nd, Helen Stohr - 3rd, and Delores Henehan 4th. The Low Prize went to Penny Stolle. • The Langford Marching Band participated in the Lake Region Marching Band Festival on Friday October 12th. They were one of 17 area bands that took part in (Continued on page 8)