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was suggested that Bahr check with the insurance company about turning a claim, before purchasing new ones to replace the damaged items. • Approval was given for Bahr to order four new Hot Shields and six pairs of wildland gloves for the firemen. He will also pick up four or five new gas cans and three carbine chain blades for the chainsaws. • One of the major items needed now by the Bath crew are pagers and batteries for their radios. Bahr checked into getting more pagers that the Groton crew uses and found that the pager is no longer being made. He was able to pick up about a half dozen pagers, but down the line the district will have to make a decision on which pagers to switch to as the current pagers wear out and need to be replaced. • The new tires for the white grass rig have been ordered, all six tires will be replace. The clutch from the jeep grass rig is currently being repaired; this should be done in the next week. It was reported that after all the recent fire calls, two of the trucks are having some problems. The one truck is only used as a last resort and it was questioned as to whether the money should be put into a truck that the district may be surplusing in the next year. It was decided to make sure the truck was usable if needed. • Two Groton firemen requested the purchase of gear bags which would allow them to carry all their gear with them, allowing them to respond to a fire call directly from their homes. The currently policy is to meet at the fire hall, get their gear and respond in a fire truck. The board questioned the policy of allowing the gear to go home and having firemen respond it their own vehicles. Bahr did state that there are currently bags available for the firefighters to use. The board left the decision up to Bahr and the firemen as to using the bags already available. • Dale Ringgenberg reported that there will be five EMTs attending the State EMT Conference. He also requested that while at the conference they would like to purchase some of the items on their "Wish List" as it is a good time to pick up bargains and discounts. Ringgenberg was authorized purchase up to $3,400 in items using his own discretion as to what items to pick up. • It was pointed out that with all the recent use, the cement pad in front of the fire hall has taken a beating. The board has been discussing replacing the cement apron for some time, it was not a budgeted item and the cost of the project has not allowed the board to replace it. The board hopes to make it a budget item on the next budget and that the current apron will hold up until next spring. • All the recent fire calls have resulted in over $15,000 in fire bills for the Groton Fire District. This is a $14,600 jump from the last meeting. Many of the calls will never be billed or collected.
• -Char Telkamp