Putney Putovers
• The Putney Putovers 4-H Club met Tuesday, October 9, 2012 at 5:30 PM at the Groton Area Elementary school. President Ashley Gibbs called the meeting to order. Flag pledges were led by Joellen Gonsoir, Carly Wheeting, and Ashley Gibbs. Roll call was answered with a fire prevention tip. The secretary's report was approved by Joellen Gonsoir and seconded by Josie LaMee. Emma Donley gave the treasurer's report. Portia Ketterling moved to accept the report and Alexis Simon seconded the motion. Carly Wheeting moved to accept and pay the presented bills. Emma Donley seconded the motion. • In old business, in honor of National 4-H Week, the club created a display at the Groton Area Elementary school. This served as the club activity for October. There was no other old business. • First item on the agenda in new business was the reading of the October Newshound highlighting important information such as the 4-H Recognition Banquet November 4th, 4-H insurance, 4-H record book judging, the returning of traveling trophies, sponsor thank yous, and club enrollment. Second item of new business was the election of officer. Alexis Simon- president; Ashley Gibbs- vice-president; Secretary- Joellen Gonsoir; Treasurer- Portia Ketterling; Photographer- Lucas Simon. The next meeting will be Monday, November 5th at 6:00 PM at the Groton Community Center with Tage and Taryn Taylor as hosts. Josie LaMee and Emma Donley are on community service next month. Carly Wheeting moved to adjourn the meeting and Alexis Hanten seconded the motion. • Respectfully submitted, Joellen Gonsoir