Groton Bowling
• Groton Coffee Cup league • Oct. 8 Team Standings: Farm Girls 15, James Valley Telecommunications 14, K & L Cabin 10, Jungle Lanes 8, Ken's Food Fair 7. • High Games: LaVonne Raap 186, Edith Bertsch 176 and 169, Nicole Kassube 160. • High Series: Edith Bertsch 472, Nicole Kassube 442, LaVonne Raap 409. • • Conde National League • Team Standings: Colts 6, Pirates 6, Cubs 4, Giants 4, Mets 2, Braves 1. • Men's High Games: Tom Paepke 182 and 178, Butch Farmen 173, Chad Furney 171. • Men's High Series: Tom Paepke 499, Butch Farmen 484, Chad Furney 446. • Women's High Games: Vickie Kramp 162, Joyce Walter 157, Mary Larson 142, Hope Knoepfle 142. • Women's High Series: Joyce Walter 420, Vickie Kramp 403, Mary Larson 396.