Youth Rally set for Nov. 14
• We are very excited to inform you that the Groton Youth Rally will be Wed., November 14th at 7pm in the Groton Area High School Arena. Bruce Crevier & Family do a Spin-tacular Basketball program, and share the message of hope to this generation. Bruce Crevier has traveled all over the world, performing in over 35 countries. Featured in Sports Illustrated, he speaks and performs in schools, camps, churches, prisons, and basketball halftime shows. Bruce is a Four Time Guinness World Record Holder for Spinning Basketballs, and has spun as many as 21 basketballs at once. He also holds the world record endurance spin where he spun one basketball for 22 hours and 12 minutes without a break! He has appeared on numerous television shows, and in magazines, and newspaper articles across the country. Bruce and his wife Diane have twelve children- Jacob, Caleb, Isaiah, Katie, Josiah, Hollie, Ben, Micah, Zach, Nathan, Tori, and Tessa. When his family is with him, they are part of an energetic program that is truly inspirational as well as motivational. Youth and adults will be challenged to take their lives to the next level! They invite you to be a part of this Spin-tacular event! Check them out at www.championsforever.com • We are calling this a "Family Night of Champions." Please reserve this night for a great time here in Groton and bring the whole family! Tickets will be sold for $5 in advance at the Groton Dairy Queen and Aberdeen Anchors of Faith, and $5 at the door, with a family rate of $20. You may call for tickets or more information at 397-7752 or 397-8647 or email me at: glennaremington@hotmail.com or Groton Youth Rally, PO Box 564, Groton, SD