Friendly Fellows and Daisies
• The Friendly Fellows and Daisies met on October 7, at the sub station to pick up road ditches for Adopt-A-Highway. After picking up road ditches, the club met at the United Methodist Church for their meeting. • The meeting was called to order by Sterling Kappes. The American pledge was led by Colin Frey and the 4-H pledge was led by Hailey Sumption. The roll call topic was, " My Favorite 4-H Community Service Project." The club then discussed record books and thank you's for premiums, for old business. Old business was closed by Landon Marzahn and 2nd by Nicole Marzahn. • New business was the Newshound, Motion for donation to the Hudson Reints Family, and election of new officers. The new officers for the 2012-2013 year are President-Bradyn Weiker, Vice President-Landon Marzahn, Seceratary- Dylan Frey, Treasure- Breanna Marzahn, Reproter- Justine Sanderson. Closing new business was Johnny Sumption and 2nd by Jakob Sumption. The meeting was then adjourned Braden Boe, and 2nd by Hailey Sumption. Lunch then was served by Hanna, Mallory, and Tucker Miller. The next meeting will be held at the United Methodist Church in Claremont. • Reporter: Justine Sanderson •