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• Incidentally, I have carried this over into my married life. • According to my father, if I simply obeyed Franklin's advice I would have a life filled with health, wealth and wisdom. The three things absolutely needed in life to make a person happy. Or, so Franklin would lead us to believe. • After what seems to be a lifetime of living, and living in as much harmony of these two aspects of life, I must say that there is very little truth to be said concerning good old Franklin's saying. No matter how early I go to bed or how early I get up, I do not seem to be any wealthier or healthier. Perhaps, and this is only a guess on my part because I am not as wise as old Benjamin Franklin, you had to do something when you got up that contributed or created your wealth. Just a suggestion from me. • That is the way it is with most sayings. They sound good; you sound wise in quoting them; but after every saying is quoted, nothing seems to change. They just do not cover the whole spectrum. • It is not that I have not given it the good old college try; it just does not work for me. • This past week I had an occasion to think about this quote. I have tried keeping the early to bed and early to rise objective in full focus throughout my life. I am not up partying until the wee hours of the morning. At my age, my party time is early afternoon. • I have made a concerted effort to get enough rest and just to make sure I have enough rest I indulge in an afternoon nap. I am not sure where this comes in Benja (Continued on page 4)