American patriot, Benjamin Franklin. The only quote he knew of this man was, "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise." • For a long time I thought he was making it up and then one day, I happened to run across a book in the library about Benjamin Franklin and, there it was. Benjamin actually did say that. • I had to give my father that one. • It seems that every time it got close to what my father termed as "my bedtime," he would remind me of this famous quote. It got so I hated when bedtime came. • At the time, I had my doubts about the validity of this quote because if my father followed this quote as he encouraged me to do, why was he not healthy, wealthy and wise? At the time, I was in no position to question his wisdom. I was wise enough to know that the best part of wisdom was not to challenge the wisdom of my father. This has attributed to my length of life to date.
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