head and neck: exposure to excessive amounts of alcohol; tobacco smoke or chew; wood dust; fine nickel and metal particles; formaldehyde; preserved or salted foods; paan (an addictive leaf or nut chewed in Southeast Asia;) and bitter mate (a tea-like beverage sipped in South America.) • Our patient is a typical retired college professor originally from a farm on the Dakota prairie, with little tobacco, wood, industrial, or travel history; only having lived a dedicated life helping students and savoring time with his wife. • For now, after removing the nodule, we've provided no other treatment; our patient is doing fine; and still the origin for the cancer remains occult. • Dr. Rick Holm wrote this Prairie Doc Perspective for "On Call®," a weekly program where medical professionals discuss health concerns for the general public. "On Call®" is produced by the Healing Words Foundation in association with the South Dakota State University Journalism Department. "On Call®" airs Thursdays on South Dakota Public Broadcasting-Television at 7 p.m. Central, 6 p.m. Mountain. Visit us at OnCallTelevision.com.