Appeal filed on moving in a trailer house
• A trailer house being moved to Groton does not meet with the current standards of appearance and councilman Doug Hamilton, who is the council representative on the Planning and Zoning Board, filed an appeal with the council. • Ron Erdmann is planning to move a mobile home into Groton in a lot formerly owned by Matt Johnson on Fifth Street. • Hamilton said that the Planning and Zoning Commission had given Erdmann the okay to move the trailer in, but had 45 days from the date it would be moved in to have it meet code. Erdmann does not plan to move the trailer to Groton until US Highway 12 reopens. He could bring it down through Warner and then east on SD 20 and north on SD 37, but he does not want to pay the extra moving expense, according to Hamilton. • The council has scheduled a public hearing on October 15 at 7 p.m. to decide if the trailer house can be moved to Groton in its current condition. • The city once had over a million dollars in its general fund cash balance, but that has quickly evaporated as the bills came in for the street project. In fact, the general fund will be short $900,000 so the council approved to transfer $540,000 from electric, $120,000 from water, $220,000 from sewer and $20,000 from solid waste to the general fund. • The council decided to wait on discussing the Sunday Liquor and Wine sales and the soccer lease until a full council meets. In fact, at the meeting Monday night, Clare Brotherton was in attendance via a teleconference as Gary Heitmann and Brett Anderson were both absent as well. Without the teleconference, there would not have been a quorum. Brotherton was home not feeling well. • There will be a city-wide power outage on Monday, Oct. 8, at 8 a.m. Work is be