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last year, and for many students it was a breeze. Now we are starting in on some new conjugations and working on speaking in the preterit tense about past events. Coming up on November 1st and 2nd we will be celebrating el Dia de los Muertos (the Day of the Dead) by making some traditional arts and crafts.
Spanish I - Mrs. Kippley • I have really enjoyed getting to know my new Spanish students this year. They are such a fun group of students and they are doing so well! Spanish I students are just finishing up the first two chapters which have to do with the verb Ser. We will begin working with the verbs which end in -ar (to speak, to listen, to buy, to work, etc. in the next few weeks and the students will be able to put together some more interesting sentences. The students are really excelling in their work in Spanish, and I am very proud of them for that. It can be very difficult to learn how to learn a foreign language, but these students have really risen to the challenge!
Life Science - Mrs. Kippley • The seventh graders have been working on learning all about cells, organelles, and cell processes, cell reproduction, and DNA so far this year. Starting next week we will move on to the study of heredity and learn how we inherit characteristics from our parents. They have had the chance to do a few interesting labs so far, and I think the favorite was when they were able to scrape cheek cells from a member of their lab group and look at them under the microscope.
Conceptual Chemistry - Mrs. Kippley • The Conceptual Chemistry class is just finishing up their study of the atom. We have been working hard to get a good understanding of the basics of Chemistry so that we can build on that knowledge throughout the year. We had a chance to get into the lab already this year and try to identify unknown mixtures by their physical and chemical properties. The students did a great job with their lab write-ups. We will continue to add to their lab notebooks throughout the year so they are able to look back at the end of the year and see all they have accomplished.