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Honors English - Mrs. Hanten • The Honors students also began the year with the famous novel, Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck. The next unit they will be studying the progression of the English language, in conjunction with the literature of England. This first unit will include reading some famous Anglo-Saxon literature such as Beowulf and The Seafarer. The Honors students have also started working on their Senior Memory Book; however, their project consists of thirty chapters about memories and thoughts from their lives. This means an essay is due almost weekly from these honors students. It is amazing the progression and maturity I see in their writing skills as we move from the beginning to the end of the year. Their final product will be a very valuable keepsake for students and parents alike. Honors students are also required to read independent, Accelerated Reader novels as part of the class requirement. However, they must achieve a higher point value for each letter grade and are required to read some specific classic novels each semester. • Psychology - Mrs. Hanten • It is quite a change each day, going from teaching English classes each hour to one class period of psychology; however, I am enjoying my time spent with the psychology class students this semester. We started the year with the introductory chapter, "What is Psychology?" We studied the chapter dealing with the brain and behavior. Students were especially interested in some of the topics from this chapter, such as the nature vs. nurture debate regarding the role of heredity in determining who we are as people. Students have been reading non-fiction articles tied to a chapter topic and doing some article summaries and reflections. We are studying the chapter covering consciousness right now, which includes a favorite student topic, sleep and dreams. • High School Band - Mr. Johnson • The High School Band is off to a great start this year and we are looking forward to a successful marching season. The band is playing "Give up the Funk" by the 70's funk band "Parliament" which was led by George Clinton. In addition to our Homecoming parade, the band will march at Gypsy Days on Saturday, October 6th and also at The Lake Region Marching Band Festival in Waubay on Friday, October 12th at 10:00 a.m. Following the parade in Waubay, the band will continue on to Minneapolis for our annual band trip. The students will take in a musical theatre production at Chanhassen Dinner Theatres among other activities. Band students should pay Mrs. Stauch in the office as soon as possible for the trip, as it must be (Continued on page 14)