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3RD/4TH/5TH/6TH Grade Physical Education - Brian Schuring • The physical education classes have been actively participating in their games unit and fall fitness testing. The games we have been playing are: Capture the Pig, Pin Guard, Dodge Ball, Kickball and Mat Ball. Fall fitness tests consist of sit-ups, pull-ups and shuttle run. Being physically fit means having the energy and strength to perform daily activities vigorously and alertly without getting run down, and to have energy left over to enjoy leisure-time activities or meet emergency demands.
7TH Grade Physical Education - Brian Schuring • The students in 7th grade physical education class are in the process of wrapping up the units of indoor soccer and touch football. In these units the students have learned the importance of team play, positioning on the field, offensive and defensive formations and basic rulings made during the game. The next unit for the class is badminton. Badminton is considered a good sport to help build and maintain overall fitness.
8TH Grade Physical Education - Brian Schuring • The students in 8th grade physical education class have been getting in shape with weightlifting and circuit training unit. Like many forms of exercise, weight training helps to develop both overall fitness and a well-muscled, defined and toned physique. The students use circuit training primarily for training beginning athletes and when space time, and equipment are limited. Also, for sports that require muscular endurance. The next unit for this group will be tennis. Tennis requires agility, speed and almost continuous motion on the part of the player. • 7th Grade Math - Mrs. Cheryl Hanson • In 7th grade we have begun the year learning some of the processing in problem solving and working within a cooperative learning group. With our new core standards that we will be tested on in the school year 2014-15, procedures to problem solving is more important than ever. They have also been learning that some of our learning comes from making mistakes along the way, correcting those mistakes, and doing better the next time. • We started off the year with a review in decimals which then led us to converting and measuring in the metric system and working with numbers in scientific notation. The next lessons were using the order of operations with whole numbers, learning operations and rules with integers, and then using the order of operations with integers and exponents.
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