(Continued from page 8)
• Regrettably, the only change that comes with a new election is the name on the office door of the public servant. • The bolts and nuts of our political system can be boiled down to; the politicians bolt for or from any excuse and we are nuts for electing them to any office. • I sometimes get weary of all this superfluous change. It is true; the more things change the more they remain the same. What I want to change never does and what I do not want to change does. • You can imagine what comfort I get from the Bible that never changes despite the efforts of some people. Two verses are particularly comforting to me. • One from the Old Testament: "For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed." (Malachi 3:6 KJV.) • One from the New Testament: "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and forever." (Hebrews 13:8 KJV.) • When it comes to final words, I want that word to come from someone who will not capriciously change that word and upset my life. I can always trust Jesus Christ to give me a word I can always count on. • • • Rev. James L. Snyder is pastor of the Family of God Fellowship, PO Box 831313, Ocala, FL 34483. He lives with his wife, Martha, in Silver Springs Shores. Call him at 1-866-552-2543 or e-mail jamessnyder2@att.net. His web site is www.jamessnyderministries.com •