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change in my pocket to their pocket. The slickness to which they do this is most remarkable. • Thirdly, there is no such thing as a "final word" among politicians. Every politician insists on having the last word on any subject even though he knows nothing about the subject at hand. • It is rumored by some unidentified source that the entire political sorority has one brain, which they share. The Democrats have the left side, the Republicans have the right side and they have one intent; mouth in motion at all times. Since they share the same mouth, they both sound alike. When a politician has nothing to say you can be sure he will say it most profusely. Today, the only difference between a Republican and a Democrat is the spelling. One can spell in the other cannot. • Every politician has two faces, before the election and after election. What a politician says before being elected has absolutely no relationship with what he or she will say after the election. The only thing absolutely certain is the newly elected politician will have a lot to say, but not much. • Once elected their only strategy is to stay elected. They will do everything and anything to get my vote. I vote they all be elec-tro-cuted. Nothing would be cuter. • One thing that can be said about the political institution in our country, it is an equal opportunity liars club. Women have as much opportunity to join this truth-challenged extravaganza as the men. • I do not know who makes better liars, men or women. The feminine side of this auspicious group has made a miraculous progress in catching up to their male counterparts. They both seemed quite adept in the practice. • Many elected officials go to great lengths to keep their constituency from knowing where they stand on the issues. They are seated on committees so they do not have to reveal where they stand. They are good at sitting and pontificating but bad when it comes to standing for anything, which makes them believe their constituency will fall for anything. And we usually do. • The lawmakers of our day are great "change agents," to use a contemporary phrase. Their opinion on important issues changes with every new poll published. Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on your point of view, for our friendly politicians, opinion polls can be given every hour on the hour. • Of course, the more important the issue the more the politician reforms his opinion. A politician should have the cleanest mind in our country because they change it so much. Unfortunately, the exchange is usually down. • Perhaps the best final words any politician could utter are, "I won't run again." Usually when a politician says this, it means he is currently running from something or someone.
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