loneliest star because it is the brightest star in an otherwise empty-looking part of the sky. It is also sometimes called the Lonely One, or the Solitary One, or sometimes the Autumn Star. Depending on whose list you believe, Fomalhaut is either the 17th or the 18th brightest star in the sky. Roughly translated from Arabic, the star's name means mouth of the fish or whale. Its constellation, Piscis Austrinus, represents the Southern Fish. Besides being one of the brighter stars in the night sky, Fomalhaut has interest to professional astronomers. In recent years, this star has been found to have a protoplanetary disk. This is a ring of dust that surrounds Fomalhaut and a companion star within one light-year. This dust ring surrounding these stars might someday form into planets. Perhaps planets are forming there now. Just think of that as you gaze upon Fomalhaut, the lonely autumn star!