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the next dean to react to new opportunities and challenges. • The challenges for the new dean, according to Olson, will center on two areas: funding and faculty. • The next dean will need to secure funding sources for more scholarships, improved equipment like simulators and increased travel for students and faculty. • "Currently we work with the state's Indian reservations," Olson said, "but the college needs to provide more opportunities for national and international travel studies so our students and faculty can learn about other health care systems." • Olson noted that most of the senior faculty in the College of Nursing is likely to follow her into retirement in the next five years. With the nursing profession facing a lack of nurses prepared to teach in higher education, SDSU's own Ph.D. program has been an asset. • "We've had some success growing our own young faculty," Olson said. "We need to keep moving that ship forward and continue to recruit qualified, doctoral-prepared faculty from outside." •