Monday,  September 24, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 069 • 3 of 24 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 2)

brushes in the silverware drawer.  In fact, if you're squeamish, you might not even want to visit.
• It no longer even fazes me when I pick up a Dixie cup in the bathroom that has something strange in it, resting in a liquid I can't identify.  I simply put it back where I found it and hope the disturbance didn't ruin the experiment.
• Littering my son's dresser, there are parts of pocket calculators with the liquid crystal display ripped out of them.  For what reason?  I can only imagine.
• Yesterday, my daughter asked everyone to write "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog," ten times in different colored ink to see if the colors had an effect on one's handwriting.  Everyone had a suggestion as to how to remove any variables from this experiment. This is considered dinner conversation.
• There are two cups sitting on top of my refrigerator.  One is growing rock candy, the other is separating tomato seeds from pulp for planting purposes.  The latter is rather gross and involves growing mold… on purpose.  It would be rude not to warn guests to be wary of that cup.  Although doing so only makes them want to look inside.
• Batteries are in constant demand, as locomotion is a popular topic with my ten-year old.  Therefore, the TV remote is always missing its batteries, which causes as much trouble as a missing remote.
• In the kitchen, there are graduated cylinders and Petri dishes gracing the countertop along with evidence of my attempts to grow a pineapple by immersing the top of said pineapple in water.  This has produced massive numbers of fruit flies which

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