helpful for envisioning the general location of Pluto, or New Horizons, in front of the constellation Sagittarius. The New Horizons spacecraft and Pluto will remain in front of Sagittarius until New Horizons finally meets up with Pluto in July 2015. So if you can spot these stars, you can gaze at them for several years while contemplating New Horizons' long journey. • Where is New Horizons now in space? The image to the right shows the craft's whereabouts from another perspective - looking down on the solar system - as it was on September 22, 2012. For a new chart, showing New Horizons' place in space tonight, click here. • At present, New Horizons resides over 24 times the Earth's distance from the sun. Pluto lies at 32 times the Earth/sun distance. The spacecraft travels about 3.4 times the Earth/sun distance closer to Pluto yearly. • Now flip your perspective again, and go back to the chart at the top of this page. It's tough to flip perspectives like this. But it's fun to try. • And, most of all, go outside tonight - September 23, 2012 - and gaze toward the moon. Let tonight's moon guide you in your imagination to Pluto-bound New Horizons' place in the starry sky. • How was Pluto discovered? •