Groton Garden Club
The Groton Garden Club met at the home of Bev Sombke with Grace Albrecht assisting. Ten members answered roll call with "a Fall tradition you enjoy". Bev Sombke reported on the northeast district members asked if the Groton club would check on finding a memorial for Lillian Scwabe, as she was so important to the South Dakota Federations of Garden Clubs. Janice Fliehs reported that Amanda Kittleson Groton 6th grader, will receive her regional award for winning the Smokey Bear Woodsy Owl poster contest. The presentation will be at the elementary school, Friday September 21, at 9:30. Thank yous will be sent to the Putney Putovers 4-H club for helping the garden club care for the circle in the park; and to Jackie Wagner and her family for money in memory of her husband Paul, to be used to purchase trees. Next meeting will be October 15, at the Golden Living Center with Pat Larson, Hazel McKittrick and Deloris Knoll hosting. Suzy McNamara will give the program. Linda Gengerke gave the program "The Everything Guide to Mums.' Alexa Simon joined us and presented her Special Foods demonstration "Scrimps Fried Rice."