• Our Lord has hands that give and a heart that forgives. The closing words of David in Psalm 23 exclaim, "Surely your goodness and unfailing mercy shall pursue me all the days of my life!" • The word goodness in this verse refers to all of the gracious gifts that God will lavishly bestow on those who are His own. It includes kindness, love and loyalty as well the fact that He will meet our every physical need. • Mercy in this verse assures us that the Lord will forgive our sins when we call on Him. It leaves no doubt that our God is the "God of mercy." He alone is responsible for providing the gift of His salvation to those who call upon Him. And furthermore, it assures us that He will forgive us for those times when we fail Him and sin as we strive to grow into the likeness of His Son and, unfortunately, fail. • This goodness and mercy that David writes about are neither conditional nor temporary. It is with us today and will be with us as long as we live - "all the days of our lives" - that is, until we enter His house and dwell with Him forever more. • How wonderful it is to know that our Lord goes before us and is always along side of us waiting to meet our every need - spiritually, emotionally and physically. • What a wonderful Shepherd is ours! • Prayer: Lord, we rejoice in the greatness of our salvation, knowing that we need fear nothing or no one because You are with us all day, every day! In Jesus' Name, Amen. • Scripture for Today: Psalm 23:6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me All the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of the Lord Forever. •