Tuesday, September 18, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 063 • 17 of 53 • Other Editions
(Continued from page 16)
about the chiefs having to approve it. • During the treasurers report, there was some discussion as to rather the fire district could apply for the state fuel tax refund. Board member Rick Pigors will do some checking and report back at the next regular meeting. • The fire department will be hosting a "propane tree" training session on October 23 with the SD State Fire Marshal. Full Circle Ag has expressed an interest in possibly furnishing the propane for the training. Other departments may also attend. Training is also being scheduled for January or February to do rescue work from the new harnesses. • "Come some cold morning in January or February," Dale Ringgenberg said. You may see us repelling down from the water tower." • The rescue squad will be attending a state conference in Watertown the end of October.