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• New Business included a herdsman-ship reminder about being friendly, talking to the public, and keeping your area clean and picked up; and working at the concession stand from 7-9am on Thursday, Aug. 16. • Reminder that Record Books are due to one of the leaders by September 17. Watch for help sessions that will be announced. • Our next meeting will be held on September 8 following lunch at the James Valley Threshing Bee. • Kari Hanson adjourned the meeting and Maddie Howard seconded the motion. • Submitted by Maddie Howard, Secretary/Reporter • • The September meeting of the Lazy Farmers was held on September 8, 2012 at the James Valley Threshing Show following lunch. • The pledge of allegiance was led by Cassandra Townsend and the 4-H pledge was led by Turner Webb. Roll Call topic was " What was your favorite thing about the fairs"? • The Secretary's report was given by Maddie Howard and was passed by Kari Hanson and the motion was seconded by Ellie Harms. The treasurers report was given by Alex Stange and was accepted by Maryn Howard and motion was seconded by Lane Krueger. • Old Business included highlights from the county and state fairs, and the project of a different livestock signs for the fair (Lane Krueger family). The small pen signs will be maintained by Makayla Jones and family. Threshing Bee ideas for improvement and necessary items for next year were also discussed. • New Business included reading the newshound and discussing some of the important deadlines which included turning in record books, Recognition Event on November 4 at 2:00 at the Ramada, October 6 Gypsy Day parade, and others listed in the newshound. New Business also included a reminder to write thank yous. • A motion was made to have the September meeting before the Threshing Bee and to serve the Threshing Bee in designated shifts by Maryn Howard. The motion was seconded by Tyra Leonhardt and unanimously voted on by the club. • The October meeting will be held on October 1st, 2012 at the Groton Community Center at 6:30 pm. Everyone is to bring their thank you notes for fair sponsors to the Oct. meeting or make them at the meeting to be sent out. Please remember to invite a friend if you'd like in honor of National 4-H week October 7-13th. • Turner Webb made the motion to adjourn the meeting, and Mark Leonhardt seconded the motion. • Talks were given, and are as follows: Maddie Howard-North Woods Trip, Maryn (Continued on page 7)