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• Taylor Leonhardt read the secretary's report which was approved by Maryn Howard and seconded by Ellie Harms. Treasurer's report showed $3555.78 with a withdrawl of $55 for insurance. A motion was made by Tanae Lipp and seconded by Tyra Leonhardt. • Old Business included mowing at the James Cemetery and making sure everyone received the schedule. Mr. Jeremy Krueger sprayed for weeds to assist with cleaning around headstones. The new Brown County 4-H website is www.brown.sd.us/4H/default.html . • New Business was special foods and fashion review registration deadline on July 2nd. The criteria for Brown County fair project lots was reviewed. 4-H judging qualifying sessions were discussed. Non-livestock (static ) exhibits will be judged on Monday August 13 and released on Sunday August 19. Fair grounds clean up with the fair board will be August 4 from 9-11am. Every family is to provide 2 dozen cookies or bars for lunch with the fair board. Lazy Farmers meeting will be from 11:15-12. County Horse show will be on June 20th with events starting at 10:30 following roping events which start at 8:30 am. BoPeep Bingo tickets were discussed and distributed for sale. Sold stubs need to be returned to the 4-H office. The winning number receives half of the money collected. Extras will be available at the 4-H office. New membership cards were passed out. • Reminders: July 12 at 9am is County Demonstrations and July 18 is Fashion Review. • The next meeting will be July 9th at 7pm at the Groton Community Center with Harms families host & hostess. • A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Kari Hanson and seconded by Tanae Lipp. • A talk on Celiac disease was given by Tanae Lipp, Tannerite (explosive) was given by Jacob Harms, and a demonstration on how to clean an A.R 15 was given by Wyatt Sombke. • Respectfully submitted by Taylor Leonhardt, past president • • The August meeting of the Lazy Farmers was held on August 4, 2012 at the Brown County fairgrounds. The club helped clean the fairgrounds and met with the fair board members for lunch. • The pledge of allegiance was led by Wyatt Sombke and the 4-H pledge was let by Taylor Leonhardt. The Roll Call topic was "Are you a beginner, junior or senior?" • There was no secretary or treasurer's report.
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