Lazy Farmers 4-H Meetings
• The March meeting of the Lazy Farmers was held March 4, 2012 at the Groton Community Center. • The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Alexandra Stange and the 4-H pledge was led by Jamesen Stange. Roll Call topic was "What is your favorite sandwich"? • There was no secretary's report. Treasurer's report was given by Alexandra Stange and approved. • Old Business included clarification of whether the club was going to make and sell t-shirts for the B.C. fair or not, a consensus was made to not commit to t-shirt sales this year. There was no business meeting in February. • New Business included reading the newshound. • A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Taylor Leonhardt and seconded by Mark Leonhardt. • Lunch was served by Stange family. • Talks were given as follows: 'Border Aussie crosses'- Taylor Leonhardt, 'How did facebook start'- Kari Hanson, '5 signs that your horse is sick'- Brooklyn Gilbert, 'Effects of snow wetness'- Devan Howard, 'History of the quarter horse breed'- Mark Leonhardt, ' 10 common ingredient substitutions'- Alex Stange, 'Facts on Labradoodles'- Alexis Gustafson. Demonstrations were given as follows: 'BB Gun shooting positions'- Jamesen Stange, 'How to prepare hunting a varmint'- Mark Leonhardt, 'How to make a safe bait station'-Lane Krueger, 'Quilting'- Cheyenne Leonhardt, 'Puppy Games'- Taylor Leonhardt. • Respectfully submitted by Wyatt Sombke, Vice President • • The April meeting of the Lazy Farmers 4-H club was held April 16, 2012 at the Groton Community Center. • The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Tessa Erdmann and the 4-H pledge was led by Lexi Gustafson. Roll Call topic was "Favorite part about Easter". • There was no secretary's report given. Treasurer's report with a balance of 3108.00 was given by Alexandra Stange. A motion to approve the treasurer's report was made by TessaErdmann and seconded by Brooklyn Gilbert. • Old Business was that Brown County sold $60,000 in fruit sales, and the fruit was very good. • New Business included a reminder that public presentation day is July 12 at 9am, special foods contest is June 4 at 9am, final enrollment is May 25. • The next meeting will be held following clean up of the James Cemetery at 4:00 (Continued on page 4)