lae to look at in the region, but we are on the hunt for two in particular. Now go to the spout of the Teapot. If you are in dark skies and can see the Milky Way streaming up from the horizon, you may notice a black area with two little fuzz balls in it that look like puffs of steam. If you are in suburbs or cities, you may notice just a fuzzy star above the spout. The fuzzy star or fuzz balls are the Lagoon and Trifid nebulae, or Messier Objects 8 and 20. You are seeing two star-forming regions toward the heart of our galaxy. • The Lagoon Nebula, Messier 8 • M 20: Trifid Nebula • The Trifid is a little dimmer than the Lagoon. Trifid got its name because in photographs it has three distinct lobes. The Lagoon got its moniker because it looks like (Continued on page 14)