Volga man killed in train-tractor accident
• BROOKINGS, S.D. (AP) -- A Volga, SD man has died in a train-tractor crash near Brookings. • The South Dakota Highway Patrol says 71-year-old Stanley Hesby was traveling north in his tractor when a Dakota, Minnesota, and Eastern Railroad single locomotive struck the tractor about 12:35 p.m. Friday. The impact tore the tractor cab from the rear axle. Hesby was ejected and died. The train's driver and passenger were not hurt. • The South Dakota Highway Patrol is investigating the crash. •
Mortgage settlement claim forms to be mailed
• PIERRE, S.D. (AP) -- Attorney General Marty Jackley says South Dakotans eligible for refunds as part of a national mortgage settlement will soon be receiving their claim information in the mail.